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Welcome to Good Stars Jyotish!

My name is Michelle Rebeccah Dean and I am a Jyotiṣī (Vedic astrologer) with a strong background in both modern and traditional Western astrology.

In a Vedic astrological consultation, we can discuss external topics like issues in career, relationships and finances, as well as internal battles involving a sense of purpose, building self-esteem and the individual search for meaning and connection.

Unlike Western astrology, Vedic astrology offers effective remedies customized to your chart. These remedies are concrete ongoing actions you can take to smooth over the rough areas and obstacles in your chart as well as amplify the sweet spots and strengths.

Essentially, Vedic astrology not only shows you the karmic hand you’ve been dealt, it also tells you how best to play this hand. With the power of insight coupled with remediation, it allows you to take charge of shaping your life story in the best way possible. In doing so, it allows you to see more clearly what is as well as prepare for what is yet to come.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to explore my website further.

To find out more about my own personal journey with astrology, click here.

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