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Teachers & Mentors

This page is in honor of the many excellent teachers and mentors I’ve had in my astrology studies and related disciplines. Their teaching and support has not only helped me gain valuable skills, insight and knowledge, it has also been essential for my own personal and spiritual growth and development.

Om gurave namah.

Modern Psychological Astrology

Markus Jehle, teacher and founder of Astrologie Zentrum Berlin

Alexander Graf von Schlieffen, former teacher, current brother-in-law

Traditional Western Astrology

Here I’ve listed what I’ve learned from each of these excellent astrologers.

Austin Coppock, traditional Western astrology, basic Jyotish and astrological magic

Nina Gryphon, astrological magic

Deborah Houlding, horary astrology (School of Traditional Astrology founder)

Dr. Lee Lehman, horary astrology and medical astrology

Wade Caves, horary astrology

Jyotish & Vedic Studies

Freedom Tobias Cole, teacher and founder of Science of Light (I am currently taking Year 2), traditional Vedic astrology in the lineage of Sri Achyutananda Das. These classes are life changing and highly recommended to anyone who wants to rigorously learn Jyotish.

Maggie Hippman, introduction to Vedic astrology (I received a very helpful reading from Maggie and recommend her services)

Vivek Nath, Pañcopacāra puja

Shantala Srirahmaiah, Vedic chanting

PJC 2023 – Year 1, PJC 2024 – Year 2, taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath, Dr. Eric Rosenbush and Freedom Cole

Arjun Serneels, Tantra philosophy


Camelia Elias, nondualist and card reader extraordinaire

Folk Magic & Shamanism

Inge Dean, (my mom!)

The countless guides, spirits and ancestors I’ve worked with in the upper and lower world who shall remain nameless here

The Reverend Dr. Aaron Davis